Monday, 22 February 2016

My story, your story, our story - Malaysia Debate Open

Hye! We meet again here. Today I just want to share about my experience mingling with people from different culture and from different country. I am an English debater in International Islamic University Malaysia. I'm pretty sure you must be shocked if you see me in person. >.<

Ok.....Enough about me. I just want to share some pictures during Malaysia Debate Open. It is an Asian Parliamentary debate and open to everyone including internationals.

This is my Japanese friends. I can't really remember their names. Haha. Silly me. I can speak Japanese a little bit and they are so shocked and impressed when I speak Japanese with them. Well, knowing Japanese, they are so proud with their language. So, if you want impress them,try to speak in their mother tongue.

Haha. I am one of the adjudicators. This is my first time being an adjudicator and it is so challenging because I have to listen until all the speeches end (sigh) >.<

They are the winner for the tournament. The handsome guy at the right side is my debate trainer. His name is Syed Saddiq and he is quite famous today.

Well, in debate there are not so much formality and it's all about making friends and talk about current issues. If you want to be a debater, you need to know all of the current issues and you need to be critical in analyzing and you can't be bias. You will meet people from different culture and different background. You can't force them to fit into your culture but you have to respect other's culture and be open.

I hope you enjoy reading my blog. Toodles.... >.< 

Thursday, 18 February 2016

Stereotypes, prejudice and discrimination

If you are living in a multicultural country,  one of the challenges  is stereotype. 

Most people like to label other based on stereotypes. Sometimes it is good. Other times it gives trouble. Let's have a look at these videos.

  • Asian stereotype

  • White stereotype

Hanna and her story

Hanna shared her story about how Muslims being discriminated in her country back then. Years ago, the Muslims had less privileges in job employment and education. They also could not wear hijab. Some were being bullied in school and were called 'terrorist' even before the tragedy of 9/11. She further explained that Muslims were being stereotyped as bad people that love to kill. This is because one of the tribes, mainly Muslims, always appeared in the local news causing uproar and disturbing the peace. However, as the number of educated Muslims growing day by day, they are now accepted by the society. She also shared the prejudice against  the Filipinos where most people especially the Arabs would think them as domestic helper. Due to this, some are embarrassed to mention their nationality. Hanna experienced this a few times in her life where she was called bibik (maid).

Hanna's stories had made us think back about ourselves. Have we done this to other? Are there times when we do it unintentionally?  This is something that we really need to check back guys. We sometimes tend to judge an individual based on the particular group he or she belongs to. Cultural identity is important but we must remember to appreciate an individual as they are. I believe that having stereotype is normal but we must be aware of it and prevent it from blinding our judgment towards an individual.

Wednesday, 17 February 2016

People often don't say what they mean...

...and they often don't mean what they say 

This happens everyday. We do this everyday. Don't tell me you're not part of it, eyh?

When I watch a video about "people often don't say what they mean and they often don't mean what they say", I laugh a lot because I do this every day and normally we misunderstood each other. In the video, Richard said to Mr Wong that they should spend some time together having lunch. Mr Wong said that he would enjoy it. However, even after a long time, Richard never asks Mr Wong which bewildered him. Do you know why this happen? Sometimes, in a certain culture, asking someone out for lunch later is a form of courtesy. They do not necessarily mean it. 

Sometime I used to say, “I would like to meet you again” while I actually just want to run from her :p .  In our culture, we also do like how Richard does. Sometimes we ask 'how are you', but we are not necessarily want to know his/her well being. It might be a sentence to start a conversation. Hanna also has shared her story to us. In her culture, if someone approach them while they are eating, they will say kain tayo (let's eat) even though they don't mean to invite them eating together. In my mind right now, I only can think of women. Do you know why? Check this out! >.<

Well, women are very complicated creatures, aren't they? Hahahaha. Not everyone mean everything they say >.< To the girls out there, do you approve this? What say you? Do voice your opinion.

My story, your story, our story - First meeting with Hanna

Hey guys! Meet Hanna from the Philippines. She is doing her Master's Degree in International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM). She stays in Malaysia for almost eight years. She is from the Kaagan or also known as Kalagan tribe, one of the smallest tribe in the

Hanna P. Casinto

Have you heard about Jeepney or pedikab? This is my first time hearing those words!!! There are famous transportation in the Philippines.

Pedikab / tricycle / traysikel

Interesting isn't it? Do you have any amazing experience in the Philippines? Do share with us your awesome stories. We are eager to hear from all of you :)

Tuesday, 16 February 2016

Foundation and perspectives

Hello guys!!! How are you feeling?? Excited? Jubilant?  Furious? Or just feeling lazy? 

I hope that you are ready to feel abso-fantantastic-lutely to read about our blog. What is it about again? Intercultural communication!!! You are super duper right!

I believe most of you have come across this word and already have the basic understanding of what it is. Scholars have provide many definitions and each definitions vary from each other. The definition of culture itself has 156 published definitions according to the scholars. Sooooo many, right??

But the meaning is much more than these written words. There are  things that cannot be precisely described with words. It is something to be experienced. 

Intercultural communication is about perspective, how we see the world, how we filter our perception and how we want to accept the differences. The values that we nurture in ourselves since we were born are the foundation that build up our perception. For example, if we are being bombarded that a certain group of people is bad since we were young and we choose to accept that, our perception will be molded into that. However, the perception will be different if try to understand the differences and seek the truth.

Sometimes, we build up hatred or negative feeling towards certain individual or group solely based on what others has said. Aren't we doing injustice? Each one of us has the right to be known as who we are not as who they think we are. So let's check back our intercultural competence ;)

Monday, 15 February 2016

Our first HELLO :)

Hello everyone!
Currently we are studying about intercultural communication.
Believe me, it is interesting!!!
In every class, we learn something new and refreshing.
It boggles our mind to see the world in a new perspective.
And of course, we would love to share what we learn from our amazing lecturer here with all of you.

What about you guys?
Do you have friends from different culture?
What do you learn from them?
Do you think it is hard to adapt?
Or you are having fun with the difference between the two of you?

Do share with us your awesome stories.
Let's inspire the world that we can live harmoniously despite the difference.