Hello guys!!! How are you feeling?? Excited? Jubilant? Furious? Or just feeling lazy?
I believe most of you have come across this word and already have the basic understanding of what it is. Scholars have provide many definitions and each definitions vary from each other. The definition of culture itself has 156 published definitions according to the scholars. Sooooo many, right??
But the meaning is much more than these written words. There are things that cannot be precisely described with words. It is something to be experienced.
Intercultural communication is about perspective, how we see the world, how we filter our perception and how we want to accept the differences. The values that we nurture in ourselves since we were born are the foundation that build up our perception. For example, if we are being bombarded that a certain group of people is bad since we were young and we choose to accept that, our perception will be molded into that. However, the perception will be different if try to understand the differences and seek the truth.
Sometimes, we build up hatred or negative feeling towards certain individual or group solely based on what others has said. Aren't we doing injustice? Each one of us has the right to be known as who we are not as who they think we are. So let's check back our intercultural competence ;)
Well~ I couldn't agree more. 20th century is the era where more and more judges were born. They are everywhere. Haha (trying to exclude mysel if possible) >_<